Technical Assistance

Preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance and system operation.

Maintenance and operation contract:
By signing the contract of preventive maintenance and system operation, your company does not put at risk the functioning of its equipment. Scheffer has a very qualified team to meet your requirements for maintenance and operation of load handling and storage equipment.

Benefits of the preventive maintenance contract:

  • Reduction of maintenance costs;
  • Increase productivity;
  • Reduction of system stopping due to lack of components;
  • Planned maintenance;
  • Increase equipment useful life.

Product Differentiators

Nationwide team, located in the cities:

  • Ponta Grossa – PR
  • Campinas – SP
  • Guarulhos – SP
  • Rio de Janeiro – RJ
  • Manaus – AM


Quick answer through technical assistance team.


Comprehension of the customer needs and its availability.
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